Film Shoots


Students conducting film shoots on campus as part of their academic coursework must first obtain faculty or department approval of their film project.  Film equipment insurance to cover equipment rented or borrowed from the university or an equipment vendor is available for purchase by students.  

A printable list of steps to follow and forms to complete for obtaining film shoot approval and film equipment insurance may be found here. Applicable forms are also included below.   

Film Equipment Insurance

The university's film equipment insurance provides coverage for direct physical loss or damage and includes a $1,000 deductible per loss occurrence.

In order to obtain a quote for film equipment insurance, the following information must be provided: name and address of the vendor (including SDSU) for which the equipment is being rented or borrowed; detailed list of the equipment to be insured, including equipment values; and number of days the equipment is being rented or borrowed, including checkout and return days.

Request Approval and Insurance Coverage

To assist with timely and complete insurance requests, student producer must submit the following forms along with a copy of his or her Red ID to Risk Management (attention Jessica Victorio, [email protected]), Administration Building, Room 320 at least 10 business days prior to film shoot:

Following submission of film shoot approval and equipment details, a quote for insurance coverage will be provided. Payment for insurance must be made in advance of the film shoot and may be made at SDSU eCashier.

Off Campus Groups

Off campus groups wishing to conduct film shoots on campus must obtain advance written approval.  Please contact Conference Services (619-594-2143).