University Insurance Programs

The California State University (CSU) system including San Diego State University (SDSU) is self-insured for its general liability, vehicle liability, workers’ compensation and property exposures. SDSU also provides access to a range of liability and property insurance for purchase by campus departments and members of the general public doing business with the university.

Information related to SDSU's insurance programs is included below and, as applicable, within the risk management guidelines developed for on and off campus activities. 

For questions or additional information related to SDSU's insurance programs, please contact Risk Management at [email protected].  

The university’s general liability program provides coverage for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage for which the university is liable. The program also provides liability coverage for employment practices, errors and omissions, and medical malpractice.

University employees conducting university business on or off campus are covered for general liability.  

The university’s property coverage applies only to campus-owned buildings and not the contents of the buildings (with few exceptions). Insurance coverage for building contents is available for purchase by campus departments. 

All university owned vehicles operated by university employees while conducting university business are covered for liability against third party claims.  

The State of California Office of Insurance and Risk Management (ORIM) administers the State Motor Vehicle Liability Self-Insurance Program (VELSIP) on behalf of the California State University, including San Diego State University.

Privately Owned Vehicles

When university employees are authorized to use privately owned vehicles on university business, personal liability insurance is primary coverage when an accident occurs. Employees who drive their personal vehicle on university business must verify personal auto liability insurance during the travel approval process.

Rental Vehicles

The university's vehicle liability coverage applies only when the State of California contracted car rental agency (or agencies) is used and is valid anywhere in the world unless prohibited by law (see, Rent-a-Car for the current university vehicle rental contract and additional information). Rental vehicles used for university business may not be driven for personal use.

University owned vehicles are not protected for comprehensive or collision damage; however, coverage is available for purchase by campus departments.  The year, make, model, VIN, and value of the vehicle will be required.  

To request a quote, purchase insurance, or for additional information, contact Risk Management at [email protected].  

Foreign Travel Insurance Program (FTIP) provides coverage anywhere in the world, with the exception of the United States and its territories and possessions and any country or jurisdiction which is the subject of trade or economic sanctions imposed by the laws or regulations of the United States. Benefits of the program include, but are not limited to:

  • Emergency Medical
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation
  • Repatriation of Remains
  • Emergency Reunion
  • Political Evacuation
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment
  • Accident or Sickness Expense
  • General Liability
  • Excess Auto Liability
  • Trip Cancellation
  • Trip Interruption

Foreign travel insurance is not automatic; however, it is required for all faculty, staff, and students traveling on university business to international destinations.  Coverage should be requested during the travel approval process.  

There is a cost associated with this coverage for students.    

Student Professional Liability Insurance Program (SPLIP) provides general and professional liability coverage for students enrolled in a health professional practicum, social welfare, social work, or education credential programs who also perform community service or volunteer work for academic credit.

The program provides indemnity, including legal defense costs for students, faculty, university, and host institution if there is a claim involving injury to others or damage to property in connection with the service learning activity.  

A written agreement between the university and the host organization is required.

Student Academic Field Experience for Credit Liability Insurance Program (SAFECLIP) provides general and professional liability coverage for students enrolled in service learning courses for which they receive academic credit.

The program provides indemnity, including legal defense costs for students, faculty, university, and host institution if there is a claim involving injury to others or damage to property in connection with service learning or other academic fieldwork experiences.

An agreement between the university and the host institution is required.

Club Liability Insurance provides general liability coverage for student organizations and their members that have been officially recognized by the univeristy and while conducting student organization sponsored events/activities.

Coverage is provided for approved on campus events/activities and certain off campus events and activities.  Fraternal organizations are excluded from coverage.  

Student Travel Accident insurance provides excess medical expense benefits while students are traveling to or from or participating in a university sponsored activity away from campus. As excess insurance, this policy pays after any other health care plan. This is an accident only policy and will not pay benefits for loss caused by or resulting from illness of any form or disease. The program does not cover travel to international destinations.

Special Event insurance provides short term liability coverage for events held on campus that fall into one of the below categories:

  • an off campus organization or individual who does not possess any or adequate liability insurance
  • a campus department or organization when an event poses an excess level of risk to the university

The cost of this insurance is the responsibility of the event organizer (department or individual).  Rates are established by the university’s insurance broker based on a preset formula which takes into consideration the activity hazard level, number of participants, and duration of event.

To request a quote, purchase insurance, or for additional information, contact Risk Management at [email protected]

Inland Marine insurance provides coverage for film equipment or musical instruments. The insurance may be purchased by departments or students when the equipment is used for university business conducted on or off campus.  

Rates are established by the university's insurance broker based on value of equipment and length of rental period.

To request a quote, purchase insurance, or for additional information contact Jessica Victorio at [email protected].

Fine Arts, Artifacts, and Archive Program (FAAAP) provides coverage for University owned or loaned fine arts, artifacts, and archives. 

Coverage is automatic, as long as a department inventory is maintained and/or a loan agreement is in place.  Other restrictions also apply.

In the event of a work-related injury/illness, an employee may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits to include: medical care, hospitalization and approved treatments, temporary and permanent disability, supplemental job displacement and death benefits.

To report an employee injury/illness or for additional information, please contact the Center for Human Resources at 619-594-1144.

Aviation Liability coverage provides automatic liability coverage for small drones (55 lb maximum total weight at takeoff including all onboard equipment and fuel) that are owned, non-owned or hired by the university, while operated for non-commercial purposes.  

Hull insurance to cover loss or physical damage to the drone and all onboard equipment is not included, but may be purchased by campus departments.

To request a quote for hull coverage or to report the purchase of a new drone, please contact Risk Management at [email protected].   The university is required to provide annually to our insurance broker a list of all university owned drones.