SDSU's Campus Title IX Assessment

Beginning in March 2022, the Office of the Chancellor, acting on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the California State University (CSU) conducted a systemwide assessment of its Title IX & Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (DHR) programs. This comprehensive assessment was conducted by Cozen O’Connor (Cozen) and focused on current infrastructure and implementation of CSU policies and procedures at each of the 23 CSU campuses, including SDSU. The assessment examined strengths, resources, and challenges at each university and within the Chancellor’s Office headquarters with the goal to strengthen institutional culture and provide insights, recommendations, and resources to advance Title IX and DHR training, awareness, prevention, intervention, compliance, and support systems.

At the May 24, 2023 CSU Board of Trustees meeting, Cozen gave a public, oral report about their
assessment affecting all 23 campuses and the Chancellor's Office.

On July 17, 2023, Cozen O'Connor released written reports to the Chancellor's Office that assessed Title IX and DHR efforts systemwide as well as individual campus efforts in fulfilling requirements outlined in CSU’s Nondiscrimination Policy & Procedure. The reports were released following a yearlong, CSU-commissioned assessment of Title IX and Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (DHR) programs by Cozen, and identified core observations and recommendations for improvements at the system level and at all 23 campuses, including San Diego State University.

The safety of the campus community is a top priority. SDSU is committed to change and is actively working to implement the recommendations in the Cozen report. The Chancellor’s Office reports that the systemwide and campus Cozen reports are detailed and will require 2-3 years to complete full implementation.

Questions about the report or SDSU's Title IX/DHR policies? Contact the Title IX coordinator.


SDSU Cozen Report

Chancellor's Office Charge to Implementation Team

CSU's Cozen Website 

CSU Board of Trustees' Cozen PowerPoint Presentation

At the May 24, 2023 CSU's Board of Trustees' meeting, Cozen O'Connor gave a public report about their assessment of the Systemwide status on Title IX and DHR matters affecting all 23 campuses and the Chancellor's Office. The video recording of the CSU Systemwide presentation is also publicly accessible.