
Planning, Design and Construction is responsible for master planning, space planning and capital planning as well as managing the campus facilities information system.  These responsibilities include:

  • Oversight of the campus master plan
  • Concept and space planning for new construction, major and minor renovation projects 
  • Development of the annual capital outlay program 
  • Preparing environmental impact reports (EIR)s or other CEQA actions for projects
  • Coordinating Board of Trustees and Chancellor's Office delegated approval processes for projects 
  • Developing campus design principles and guidelines
  • Maintaining and reporting building, space and property data
  • Hosting, preparing agenda items for and reporting to the Campus Development Committee (University Senate) on issues of campus development.

Master Planning 

The Campus Master Plan documents all current and planned development for the campus. The most recent Campus Master Plan was approved by the Board of Trustees of the CSU on May 16, 2017 as a re-approval of a 2007 Campus Master Plan with modifications.  The EIR for the 2007 Campus Master Plan was also recertified at this meeting.  The current Campus Master Plan includes an increase in the campus enrollment ceiling from 25,000 FTE to 35,000 FTE and six site specific projects. Modifications to this plan also include a number of major and minor revisions and updates made to the Campus Master Plan since 2007 and approved by the trustees or by the Executive Vice Chancellor through delegated authority. 

Current Campus Master Plan Map and Legend (approved January 2025)

EIR for Current Campus Master Plan

SDSU Imperial Valley Campus Master Plan

The SDSU Imperial Valley (SDSU-IV) Master Plan was developed by the SDSU Office of Planning, Design and Construction in cooperation with SDSU-IV administration and regional agencies. Plans were developed for the build out of two campus, one in Calexico and one Brawley.

SDSU Imperial Valley, Calexico Current Master Plan Map

SDSU Imperial Valley, Brawley Current Master Plan Map (approved September 2023)

Space Planning

Planning Design and Construction provides a variety of services in support of the space and facility needs of academic, administrative and auxiliary units. These services also support the conceptual development of new construction, major and minor renovation projects. Such services may include space utilization analysis, planning, programming, scoping, concept design, high level estimating and feasibility studies. 

Capital Planning

The annual capital outlay program is developed with the California State University (CSU) Office of Capital Planning, Design and Construction to forecast and secure funding for campus development at SDSU. The annual plan is included in a Five-Year Facilities Renewal and Capital Improvement Plan for all 23 Campuses of the CSU.  

Link to the CSU Capital Outlay Program

Transportation and Parking Planning

Planning Design and Construction collaborates with Parking and Transportation Services to plan for parking and transportation options that serve the campus community and support our campus transportation demand management goals.

With the completion of the Metropolitan Transportation System Transit Center at SDSU in 2005, the campus has greatly expanded public transportation options. The transit center is centrally located at the heart of the campus and is severed by the MTS Trolley Green Line and seven bus routes. Discounted monthly and semester transit passes are available for students.

Other alternatives to driving include bicycling, carpooling or vanpooling and rideshare. Information on all of these alterntives can be found at Parking and Transportation Services' Commuting and Transportation website

In the last few years, the campus has implemented a variety of bicycle accommodations on campus, including:

  • Created on-campus Class I separated bike paths along Campanile Mall between Hardy Avenue and Hilltop Way and along Aztec Walk between the Union and Viejas Arena (2010)
  • Inatalled four on-campus bicycle maintenance stations (2016)
  • Created Class II bike lanes along College Avenue between Montezuma Road and Zura Way (2017)
  • Installed shared lane markings on Aztec Circle Drive (2018) 
  • Partnered with ofo bikes for a pilot dockless bike program with reduced rates for students (2018)

Information on parking locations and permit options is available at Parking and Transportation Services

An interactive campus map is also available to assist with navigating the campus.