Perkins Loans

A Federal Perkins Loan is a low-interest (5 percent) loan for eligible undergraduate and graduate students with exceptional financial need. SDSU is the lender on the Perkins Loan. The loan is made from federal government funds and SDSU funds. If you qualified for a Federal Perkins Loan, detailed information was available on AidLink for that academic year.

If your financial aid award included a Federal Perkins Loan, you must complete an exit loan counseling session and sign your disclosure statements. The exit loan counseling session provides you with valuable information regarding the provisions of the loan, your rights and responsibilities related to the loan, and your repayment terms. Counseling and the signing of your documents are completed on-line.

When the documents are ready, you will receive an email notification from SDSU’s billing service, Heartland Educational Computer Systems, Inc. (ECSI). Information about how to access and complete your exit loan counseling will be included in the email. A hold will be placed on your records until the exit is completed.

Federal Perkins Loan funds disbursed to you fall under the provisions of a Master Promissory Note. This means that it was not necessary to sign the note each year that you are awarded a Federal Perkins Loan, but you could be required to update some forms. It is imperative that you read and complete all documents immediately to ensure timely repayment of your loan. Your hold will not be released until all electronic documents are filled out completely and accurately.

If you do not wish to complete this process online, it is important to contact the University Bursar's Office and speak with a counselor. Please be aware that requesting paper documents may lengthen the processing time and could delay the release of your holds.

ECSI will notify SDSU once all forms are completed and signed.

Download ECSI Forms

Other Resources:

If you are considering a teaching career, you may qualify to have a portion of your student loan canceled, forgiven and repaid. Here are some resources that will explain these options:

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